I invite you to stop and become aware of what resonates in your heart. I will help you discover your potential and develop an exciting and vibrant life plan with your values.
"Elige estar presente; atiende aquello que tiene corazón y significado; di la verdad sin pena ni culpa; ábrete al resultado sin atarte a él" Las 4 sendas del Chamán. Ángeles Arrién
My story
15 years ago I participated in a retreat for the first time, I had never meditated before... it was an incredible experience that opened my heart and mind. There arose some important questions, such as Who am I really? What am I choosing? How much do I know and value my talents and passions? Until then, I had worked professionally in different fields, as a lawyer, publicist and entrepreneur... and I did not feel fulfilled.
Disciplines such as Coaching, Mindfulness and Yoga have helped me get to know myself, stop judging myself so much and take steps towards a fuller and more conscious way of life, aligned with my values.
Systemic Facilitation, Theory U and other team leadership tools geared towards organizations have given me the structure to share my experience and knowledge in a corporate environment.
Richard Schwartz's Parts Therapy, Craniosacral Biodynamics and my experience with Ramana or Gangaji's Non-Dualism together with other philosophies such as Tao, Bhagavad Gita, Kundalini yoga and Buddhism have given me access to a deep field of understanding of the functioning of the body-mind-spirit and of shared humanity, which I put at the service of my sessions, workshops and trainings.
WIND. It is freedom, joy, movement, change, expressing the essence without barriers and with courage. Experiencing life from new perspectives, dancing, singing, laughing. It is my expressive, restless and spontaneous side that will invite you to leave your comfort zone... that will challenge you to go for what matters to you.
CUP OF CHOCOLATE. These are Kairós moments with deep conversations and enjoying the journey. It is cooking without a recipe, following intuition and the senses. It is the part that listens from the heart, it is kindness, which invites you to appreciate and take care of yourself.
SNAIL. It is the silence, the one that looks out the window on a rainy day, the love of poetry, slow reading and the discovery of the meaning of life. It is the part that connects with and from the soul... it is the presence, it is from Within. The invitation to enter that deep space that is within you.
Certified Co-active Coach CPCC in CTI. And Ontological Coach by BDA. Certified in high-performance team coaching tools. More than 500 hours of training and practice.
Systemic Facilitator trained with Bugui García.
Level 1 IFS Therapist (Internal Family Systems).
Mindfulness MBSR instructor , accredited by IMTA and trained at the esMindfulness Institute. Instructor of instructors. Studies in Sophrology. More than 500 hours of training, practices and retreats.
Kundalini Yoga teacher 500 hours (Level 1 and 2) in an Ashram in the French Alps.
Master in European Law.
Sessions and workshops in Spanish, English and French.